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Link Feast

Our pick of this week’s 10 best psychology and neuroscience links.

28 March 2015

By Christian Jarrett

The Exciting Side of Boredom
Ella Rhodes at The Psychologist meets psychologists who think boredom has had a bad press.

How are Pilots Psychologically Screened?
Tom de Castella investigates for BBC News Magazine.

What Spending a Year in Space Does to Your Mind
“It’s stressful, but transcendental too,” says Francie Diep at Pacific Standard.

Brain Balance Centers: An Insider’s Perspective
Worrying revelations about a programme in the US that promises to rebalance kids’ brain hemispheres (Neurobollocks Blog).

For an artist with amnesia, the world takes place through her pencil (profile by Daniel Zalewski in the New Yorker).

Does Student Motivation Even Matter?
Engagement isn’t necessarily a recipe for academic gains, suggests a new report on global education (The Atlantic).

How Do You Make Other People Feel?
Melissa Dahl reports on a fascinating study that suggests a key unexplored aspect of personality is how we make others feel (NY Mag Science of Us).

Rethinking The Brain
The Human Brain Project’s aim to simulate the entire human brain is unrealistic – one of the conclusions of a damning report (coverage from Nature).

“Dementia undermines all of our philosophical assumptions about the coherence of the self,” writes Charles Leadbeater at Aeon. “But that might be a good thing.”

Why Some People Have Trouble Telling Left From Right (and Why It’s So Important)
“A significant proportion of our population has difficulty in telling right from left,” says Gerard Gormley, including, worryingly, medical students (The Conversation).